
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /robots.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
8 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
9 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
10 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
13 api_authenticator /api/v1/{apiKey}/auth Path does not match
14 api_new_prospect /api/v1/{apiKey}/addProspect Path does not match
15 api_send_validate /api/v1/{apiKey}/validateProspect Path does not match
16 api_get_prospecting_agent /api/v1/{apiKey}/get-prospecting-agent Path does not match
17 api_get_create_prospect /api/v1/{apiKey}/get-create-prospect Path does not match
18 api_get_statistics /api/v1/get-statistics Path does not match
19 curl_test /curl/test Path does not match
20 cinet_pay /cinetPay Path does not match
21 cinet_pay_check /cinetPay/check Path does not match
22 cinet_pay_new /cinetPay/new Path does not match
23 cinet_pay_show /cinetPay/show Path does not match
24 cinet_pay_error /cinetPay/error Path does not match
25 docs /docs Path does not match
26 expense_category_index /expense-category/index Path does not match
27 expense_category_new /expense-category/new Path does not match
28 expense_category_show /expense-category/{id}/show Path does not match
29 expense_category_edit /expense-category/{id}/edit Path does not match
30 expense_categories_selected_delete /expense-category/delete-selection Path does not match
31 expense_index /expense/index Path does not match
32 expense_new /expense/new Path does not match
33 expense_show /expense/{id}/show Path does not match
34 expense_edit /expense/{id}/edit Path does not match
35 expenses_selected_delete /expense/delete-selection Path does not match
36 internal_report_expense /expense/report Path does not match
37 expense_chart /expense/expenseChart Path does not match
38 expense_chart_print /expense/expenseChartPrint Path does not match
39 ged_index /ged/index Path does not match
40 ged_new /ged/new Path does not match
41 ged_edit /ged/{id}/edit Path does not match
42 geds_selected_delete /ged/delete-selection Path does not match
43 dashboard /dashboard Path does not match
44 internal_report_invoicing_print /report/printInvoice Path does not match
45 internal_report_expense_print /report/printExpense Path does not match
46 internal_report_payments_due_print /report/printPaymentsDue Path does not match
47 internal_report_payment_print /report/printPayment Path does not match
48 preview /report/preview/{file}/{dir} Path does not match
49 legal_vat_index /legal-vat/index Path does not match
50 legal_vat_new /legal-vat/new Path does not match
51 legal_vat_edit /legal-vat/{id}/edit Path does not match
52 legal_vats_selected_delete /legal-vat/delete-selection Path does not match
53 make_local_backup /make/local-backup Path does not match
54 make_ftp_backup /make/ftp-backup Path does not match
55 app_notifications /notifications Path does not match
56 api_send_to_company_payment_term_notification /api/send-to-company-payment-term-notification Path does not match
57 api_send_customers_payment_term_notification /api/send-customers-payment-term-notification Path does not match
58 api_send_task_notification /api/send-task-notification Path does not match
59 api_send_customer_payement_notification /api/send-customer-payment-notification Path does not match
60 setting_index /setting/index Path does not match
61 setting_new /setting/new Path does not match
62 setting_edit /setting/{id}/edit Path does not match
63 setting_activate /setting/{id}/activate Path does not match
64 setting_duplicate /setting/{id}/duplicate Path does not match
65 sms_index /sms/index Path does not match
66 sms_new /sms/new Path does not match
67 sms_show /sms/{id}/show Path does not match
68 sms_delete /sms/{id}/delete Path does not match
69 task_index /task/index Path does not match
70 task_new /task/new Path does not match
71 task_show /task/{id}/show Path does not match
72 task_edit /task/{id}/edit Path does not match
73 task_delete /task/{id}/delete Path does not match
74 taxation_regime_index /taxationRegime/index Path does not match
75 taxation_regime_new /taxationRegime/new Path does not match
76 taxation_regime_edit /taxationRegime/{id}/edit Path does not match
77 taxation_regimes_selected_delete /taxationRegime/delete-selection Path does not match
78 loading / Path does not match
79 change_setting /changeSetting/{id} Path does not match
80 point_of_sale_report /pos/report Path does not match
81 api_point_of_sale_get_products /api/pos/get-products Path does not match
82 api_point_of_sale_add_sale /api/pos/add-sale Path does not match
83 point_of_sale_print /pos/sale/print Path does not match
84 pos_session_index /pos-session/index Path does not match
85 pos_session_sale /pos-session/{id}/sale Path does not match
86 pos_session_set_stock /pos-session/{id}/set-stock Path does not match
87 pos_session_close /pos-session/{id}/close Path does not match
88 pos_session_closed /pos-session/{id}/closed Path does not match
89 pos_sessions_selected_delete /pos-session/delete-selection Path does not match
90 pos_session_generate_invoice /pos-session/{id}/generate-invoice Path does not match
91 pos_session_sale_index /pos-session-sale/index Path does not match
92 pos_session_sale_show /pos-session-sale/{id}/show Path does not match
93 pos_session_sales_selected_delete /pos-session-sale/delete-selection Path does not match
94 pos_session_sale_lines_selected_delete /pos-session-sale-line/delete-selection Path does not match
95 pos_setting_index /pos/setting/index Path does not match
96 pos_setting_new /pos/setting/new Path does not match
97 pos_setting_edit /pos/setting/{id}/edit Path does not match
98 pos_setting_new_session /pos/setting/{id}/new-session Path does not match
99 pos_settings_selected_delete /pos/setting/delete-selection Path does not match
100 product_unity_index /productUnity/index Path does not match
101 product_unity_new /productUnity/new Path does not match
102 product_unity_edit /productUnity/{id}/edit Path does not match
103 product_unitys_selected_delete /productUnity/delete-selection Path does not match
104 final_products_selected_delete /production/final/product/delete-selection Path does not match
105 input_products_selected_delete /input/product/delete-selection Path does not match
106 api_input_product_set_quantity /input/product/api/setQuantity/{id} Path does not match
107 api_input_product_set_target_quantity /input/product/api/setTargetQuantity/{id} Path does not match
108 product_unity_convertibilities_selected_delete /production/productUnityConvertibility/delete-selection Path does not match
109 production_conditioning_products_selected_delete /production/conditioning/product/delete-selection Path does not match
110 api_production_conditioning_product_set_quantity /production/conditioning/product/api/setQuantity/{id} Path does not match
111 production_index /production/index Path does not match
112 production_new /production/new/{id} Path does not match
113 production_edit /production/{id}/edit Path does not match
114 productions_selected_delete /production/delete-selection Path does not match
115 production_validate /production/{id}/validate Path does not match
116 production_cancel /production/{id}/cancel Path does not match
117 production_compute_total_output /production/{id}/compute-total-output Path does not match
118 production_transfert /production/{id}/transfert Path does not match
119 production_lines_selected_delete /productionLine/delete-selection Path does not match
120 production_session_index /production/session/index Path does not match
121 production_session_new /production/session/new Path does not match
122 production_session_edit /production/session/{id}/edit Path does not match
123 production_sessions_selected_delete /production/session/delete-selection Path does not match
124 production_session_cancel /production/session/{id}/cancel Path does not match
125 production_setting_index /production/setting Path does not match
126 production_setting_input /production/setting/input/{id} Path does not match
127 production_setting_final /production/setting/final/{id} Path does not match
128 production_setting_convertibility /production/setting/convertibility/{id} Path does not match
129 production_setting_conditionning /production/setting/conditionning/{id} Path does not match
130 input_product_duplicate_setting /{id}/duplicate-input-setting Path does not match
131 prospect_index /prospect/index Path does not match
132 prospect_new /prospect/new Path does not match
133 prospect_show /prospect/{id}/show Path does not match
134 prospect_edit /prospect/{id}/edit Path does not match
135 prospects_selected_delete /prospect/delete-selection Path does not match
136 prospect_print_report /prospect/print-report Path does not match
137 prospecting_agent_index /int/prospectingAgent/index Path does not match
138 prospecting_agent_new /int/prospectingAgent/new Path does not match
139 prospecting_agent_show /int/prospectingAgent/{id}/show Path does not match
140 prospecting_agent_edit /int/prospectingAgent/{id}/edit Path does not match
141 prospecting_agents_selected_delete /int/prospectingAgent/delete-selection Path does not match
142 prospecting_agent_print_report /int/prospectingAgent/{id}/print-report Path does not match
143 provider_index /provider/index Path does not match
144 provider_new /provider/new Path does not match
145 provider_show /provider/{id}/show Path does not match
146 provider_edit /provider/{id}/edit Path does not match
147 provider_delete /provider/{id}/delete Path does not match
148 providers_selected_delete /provider/delete-selection Path does not match
149 provider_releve /provider/releve Path does not match
150 provider_releve_print /provider/print-releve Path does not match
151 provider_report_provider /provider/provider Path does not match
152 provider_report_provider_print /provider/provider/print Path does not match
153 purchase_invoice_index /purchaseInvoice/index Path does not match
154 purchase_order_show /purchaseInvoice/{id}/show Path does not match
155 purchase_order_validate /purchaseInvoice/{id}/validate Path does not match
156 purchase_order_unvalidate /purchaseInvoice/{id}/cancel Path does not match
157 purchase_orders_selected_delete /purchaseInvoice/delete-selection Path does not match
158 purchase_order_unpaid /purchaseInvoice/unpaid Path does not match
159 purchase_order_unpaid_print /purchaseInvoice/unpaid-print Path does not match
160 purchase_print_invoice /purchaseInvoice/{id}/print-invoice Path does not match
161 purchase_order_generate_stock_out /purchaseInvoice/generate-stock-outs Path does not match
162 purchase_chart /purchase/purchaseChart Path does not match
163 purchase_chart_export /purchase/purchaseChartExport Path does not match
164 purchase_chart_print /purchase/purchaseChartPrint Path does not match
165 purchase_order_index /purchaseOrder/index Path does not match
166 purchase_order_new /purchaseOrder/new Path does not match
167 purchase_order_edit /purchaseOrder/{id}/edit Path does not match
168 purchase_order_line_edit /purchaseOrderline/{id}/edit Path does not match
169 invoice_print_purchase /purchaseOrder/{id}/print-purchase Path does not match
170 purchase_order_tax_report /purchaseOrder/taxReport Path does not match
171 purchase_order_tax_report_print /purchaseOrder/taxReportPrint Path does not match
172 purchase_product_infos /purchaseOrder/getProduct-infos Path does not match
173 purchase_order_lines_selected_delete /purchaseOrderLine/delete-selection Path does not match
174 purchase_order_line_api_set_reference /purchaseOrderLine/api/setReference/{id} Path does not match
175 purchase_order_line_api_set_designation /purchaseOrderLine/api/setDesignation/{id} Path does not match
176 purchase_order_payments_selected_delete /int/purchase-order-payment/delete-selection Path does not match
177 purchase_order_payment_print /int/purchase-order-payment/{id}/print Path does not match
178 render_cash_register_modal /_renderCashRegisterModal Path does not match
179 non_taxable_item_index /rhNonTaxableItem/index Path does not match
180 non_taxable_item_new /rhNonTaxableItem/new Path does not match
181 non_taxable_item_show /rhNonTaxableItem/{id}/show Path does not match
182 non_taxable_item_edit /rhNonTaxableItem/{id}/edit Path does not match
183 non_taxable_items_selected_delete /rhNonTaxableItem/delete-selection Path does not match
184 pay_slip_index /rhPaySlip/index Path does not match
185 pay_slip_new /rhPaySlip/new Path does not match
186 pay_slip_show /rhPaySlip/{id}/show Path does not match
187 pay_slip_edit /rhPaySlip/{id}/edit Path does not match
188 pay_slips_selected_delete /rhPaySlip/delete-selection Path does not match
189 pay_slip_regenerate_salary_pay_slip /rhPaySlip/{id}/regenerateSalaryPaySlip Path does not match
190 pay_slip_print /rhPaySlip/print/{id} Path does not match
191 pay_slip_export /rhPaySlip/export/{id} Path does not match
192 api_pay_slip_get_total /rhPaySlip/api/get-total Path does not match
193 api_pay_slip_make_payment /rhPaySlip/api/make-payment Path does not match
194 pay_slip_paysheets /rhPaySlip/paysheets Path does not match
195 pay_slip_print_paysheet /rhPaySlip/{id}/print-paysheet Path does not match
196 pay_slip_validated /rhPaySlip/validated/{id} Path does not match
197 pay_slip_cancel /rhPaySlip/cancel/{id} Path does not match
198 pay_slip_disa_dasc_2 /rhPaySlip/disa_dasc-2 Path does not match
199 pay_slip_disa_dasc_3 /rhPaySlip/disa_dasc-3 Path does not match
200 pay_slip_disa_dasc_2_print /rhPaySlip/export/disa-dasc-2 Path does not match
201 pay_slip_disa_dasc_3_export /rhPaySlip/disa-dasc-3-export Path does not match
202 pay_slip_non_taxable_item_edit /paySlipNonTaxableItem/{id}/edit Path does not match
203 pay_slip_non_taxable_item_delete_one /paySlipNonTaxableItem/{id}/delete-one Path does not match
204 pay_slip_retained_item_edit /paySlipRetainedItem/{id}/edit Path does not match
205 pay_slip_retained_item_delete_one /paySlipRetainedItem/{id}/delete-one Path does not match
206 pay_slip_taxable_item_edit /paySlipTaxableItem/{id}/edit Path does not match
207 pay_slip_taxable_item_delete_one /paySlipTaxableItem/{id}/delete-one Path does not match
208 retained_item_index /rhRetainedItem/index Path does not match
209 retained_item_new /rhRetainedItem/new Path does not match
210 retained_item_show /rhRetainedItem/{id}/show Path does not match
211 retained_item_edit /rhRetainedItem/{id}/edit Path does not match
212 retained_items_selected_delete /rhRetainedItem/delete-selection Path does not match
213 rh_category_index /rhCategory/index Path does not match
214 rh_category_new /rhCategory/new Path does not match
215 rh_category_edit /rhCategory/{id}/edit Path does not match
216 rh_categories_selected_delete /rhCategory/delete-selection Path does not match
217 rh_department_index /rhDepartment/index Path does not match
218 rh_department_new /rhDepartment/new Path does not match
219 rh_department_show /rhDepartment/{id}/show Path does not match
220 rh_department_edit /rhDepartment/{id}/edit Path does not match
221 rh_departments_selected_delete /rhDepartment/delete-selection Path does not match
222 rh_job_index /rhJob/index Path does not match
223 rh_job_new /rhJob/new Path does not match
224 rh_job_show /rhJob/{id}/show Path does not match
225 rh_job_edit /rhJob/{id}/edit Path does not match
226 rh_jobs_selected_delete /rhJob/delete-selection Path does not match
227 rh_locality_index /rh/locality/index Path does not match
228 rh_locality_new /rh/locality/new Path does not match
229 rh_locality_edit /rh/locality/{id}/edit Path does not match
230 rh_localitys_selected_delete /rh/locality/delete-selection Path does not match
231 salary_contract_article_edit /salary/contract-article/{id}/edit Path does not match
232 salary_contract_article_delete /salary/contract-article/delete/{id} Path does not match
233 salary_contract_index /salary/contract/index Path does not match
234 salary_contract_new /salary/contract/new Path does not match
235 salary_contract_edit /salary/contract/{id}/edit Path does not match
236 salary_contracts_selected_delete /salary/contract/delete-selection Path does not match
237 salary_contract_extend /salary/contract/{id}/extend Path does not match
238 salary_contract_print /salary/contract/print/{id} Path does not match
239 salary_contract_item /salary/contract/{id}/item Path does not match
240 salary_contract_article /salary/contract/{id}/article Path does not match
241 salary_contract_close /salary/contract/close/{id} Path does not match
242 salary_contract_unclose /salary/contract/unclose/{id} Path does not match
243 salary_contract_amendment /salary/contract/{id}/amendment Path does not match
244 api_salary_contract_get_salary_info /salary/contract/api/get-salary-info Path does not match
245 salary_contract_print_all /salary/contract/print-all Path does not match
246 salary_contract_item_edit /salary/contract-item/{id}/edit Path does not match
247 salary_contract_item_delete /salary/contract-item/delete/{id} Path does not match
248 salary_contract_model_index /salary-contract-model/index Path does not match
249 salary_contract_model_new /salary-contract-model/new Path does not match
250 salary_contract_model_edit /salary-contract-model/{id}/edit Path does not match
251 salary_contract_models_selected_delete /salary-contract-model/delete-selection Path does not match
252 salary_contract_model_duplicate /salary-contract-model/duplicate/{id} Path does not match
253 salary_contract_model_item_edit /salary-contract-model-item/{id}/edit Path does not match
254 salary_contract_model_item_delete /salary-contract-model-item/delete/{id} Path does not match
255 salary_index /rhSalary/index Path does not match
256 salary_new /rhSalary/new Path does not match
257 salary_show /rhSalary/{id}/show Path does not match
258 salary_edit /rhSalary/{id}/edit Path does not match
259 salaries_selected_delete /rhSalary/delete-selection Path does not match
260 salary_pay_slip_extend_contract /rhSalary/extend-contract/{id} Path does not match
261 salary_print /rhSalary/print/salaries Path does not match
262 salary_salary_elements /rhSalary/{id}/salary-elements Path does not match
263 salary_print_infos /rhSalary/print/salaries-info Path does not match
264 salary_print_info /rhSalary/print/salary{id}/info Path does not match
265 api_salary_set_full_name /rhSalary/api/set-full-name Path does not match
266 salary_nominative_statement_index /rh/salary-nominative-statement/index Path does not match
267 salary_nominative_statement_new /rh/salary-nominative-statement/new Path does not match
268 salary_nominative_statement_edit /rh/salary-nominative-statement/{id}/edit Path does not match
269 salary_nominative_statements_selected_delete /rh/salary-nominative-statement/delete-selection Path does not match
270 salary_nominative_statement_print /rh/salary-nominative-statement/print/{id} Path does not match
271 salary_non_taxable_item_edit /rh/salary-non-taxable-item/{id}/edit Path does not match
272 salary_non_taxable_item_delete /rh/salary-non-taxable-item/{id}/delete Path does not match
273 salary_pay_slip_index /salaryPaySlip/index Path does not match
274 salary_pay_slip_edit /salaryPaySlip/{id}/edit Path does not match
275 salary_pay_slips_selected_delete /salaryPaySlip/delete-selection Path does not match
276 salary_pay_slip_print /salaryPaySlip/print/{id} Path does not match
277 salary_pay_slip_print_all /salaryPaySlip/print-all/{id} Path does not match
278 salary_pay_slip_validated /salaryPaySlip/validated/{id} Path does not match
279 salary_pay_slip_cancel /salaryPaySlip/cancel/{id} Path does not match
280 salary_pay_slip_compute /salaryPaySlip/{id}/compute Path does not match
281 salary_pay_slip_compute_all /salaryPaySlip/{id}/compute-all Path does not match
282 salary_pay_slip_payment_index /salaryPaySlip/payment/ Path does not match
283 salary_pay_slip_payment_new /salaryPaySlip/payment/new Path does not match
284 salary_pay_slip_payment_show /salaryPaySlip/payment/{id} Path does not match
285 salary_pay_slip_payment_edit /salaryPaySlip/payment/{id}/edit Path does not match
286 salary_pay_slip_payments_selected_delete /salaryPaySlip/payment/delete-selection Path does not match
287 salary_retained_item_edit /rh/salary-retained-item/{id}/edit Path does not match
288 salary_retained_item_delete /rh/salary-retained-item/{id}/delete Path does not match
289 salary_taxable_item_edit /rh//salary-taxable-item/{id}/edit Path does not match
290 salary_taxable_item_delete /rh//salary-taxable-item/{id}/delete Path does not match
291 taxable_item_index /rhTaxableItem/index Path does not match
292 taxable_item_new /rhTaxableItem/new Path does not match
293 taxable_item_show /rhTaxableItem/{id}/show Path does not match
294 taxable_item_edit /rhTaxableItem/{id}/edit Path does not match
295 taxable_items_selected_delete /rhTaxableItem/delete-selection Path does not match
296 customer_index /customer/index Path does not match
297 customer_new /customer/new Path does not match
298 customer_show /customer/{id}/show Path does not match
299 customer_edit /customer/{id}/edit Path does not match
300 customer_payments_due /customer/{id}/payments-due Path does not match
301 customer_send_payments_due /customer/{id}/send-payments-due/{amount} Path does not match
302 customer_releve /customer/releve Path does not match
303 internal_report_customer_releve_print /customer/print-releve Path does not match
304 internal_report_customer /customer/state Path does not match
305 internal_report_customer_print /customer/printCustomerStat Path does not match
306 customers_selected_delete /customer/delete-selection Path does not match
307 customer_payments_due_print /customer/{id}/paymentsDuePrint Path does not match
308 customer_print_list /customer/printList Path does not match
309 customer_invoice_depreciated_index /customerInvoice/depreciated/index Path does not match
310 customer_invoice_depreciated_new /customerInvoice/depreciated/new Path does not match
311 customer_invoice_depreciated_edit /customerInvoice/depreciated/{id}/edit Path does not match
312 customer_invoice_depreciated_validate /customerInvoice/depreciated/{id}/validate Path does not match
313 customer_invoice_depreciated_cancel /customerInvoice/depreciated/{id}/cancel Path does not match
314 customer_invoice_depreciateds_selected_delete /customerInvoice/depreciated/delete-selection Path does not match
315 customer_invoice_depreciated_line_edit /customerInvoice/depreciatedLine/{id}/edit Path does not match
316 customer_invoice_return_index /customerInvoice/return/index Path does not match
317 customer_invoice_return_new /customerInvoice/return/new Path does not match
318 customer_invoice_return_edit /customerInvoice/return/{id}/edit Path does not match
319 customer_invoice_return_validate /customerInvoice/return/{id}/validate Path does not match
320 customer_invoice_return_cancel /customerInvoice/return/{id}/cancel Path does not match
321 customer_invoice_return_line_edit /customerInvoice/returnLine/{id}/edit Path does not match
322 customer_invoice_returns_selected_delete /customerInvoice/returnLine/delete-selection Path does not match
323 customer_payment_index /customer-payment/index Path does not match
324 customer_payment_new /customer-payment/new/invoice/{id} Path does not match
325 customer_payment_delete /customer-payment/{id}/delete Path does not match
326 payments_due /customer-payment/payments-due Path does not match
327 customer_payment_print /customer-payment/{id}/print-payment Path does not match
328 customer_credit_print /customer-payment/{id}/print-credit Path does not match
329 customer_payments_selected_delete /customer-payment/delete-selection Path does not match
330 internal_report_payment /customer-payment/report Path does not match
331 customer_payment_print_58 /customer-payment/print58/{id} Path does not match
332 customer_payment_print_80 /customer-payment/print80/{id} Path does not match
333 invoice_index /invoice/index Path does not match
334 invoice_show /invoice/{id}/show Path does not match
335 invoice_etat_cheque /invoice/{id}/etat-cheque Path does not match
336 invoice_delete_etat_cheque_item /invoice/{id}/delete-etat-cheque-item Path does not match
337 invoice_validate /invoice/{id}/validate Path does not match
338 invoice_unvalidate /invoice/{id}/unvalidate Path does not match
339 invoice_print_invoice /invoice/{id}/print Path does not match
340 invoice_print_invoice_without_header /invoice/{id}/printWithoutHeader Path does not match
341 invoices_selected_delete /invoice/delete-selection Path does not match
342 invoice_lines_selected_delete /invoice/delete-invoiceLine-selection Path does not match
343 internal_report_invoicing /invoice/report Path does not match
344 invoice_unpaid /invoice/unpaid Path does not match
345 invoice_unpaid_print /invoice/unpaid-print Path does not match
346 customer_invoice_state /invoice/state Path does not match
347 customer_invoice_state_print /invoice/state-print Path does not match
348 invoice_add_depreciation /invoice/{id}/add-depreciation Path does not match
349 invoice_add_unsold /invoice/{id}/add-unsold Path does not match
350 invoice_add_partial_unsold /invoice/{id}/add-patial-unsold Path does not match
351 customer_invoice_tax_report /invoice/taxReport Path does not match
352 customer_invoice_tax_report_print /invoice/taxReportPrint Path does not match
353 customer_invoice_generate_stock_out /invoice/generate-stock-outs Path does not match
354 product_category_index /productCategory/index Path does not match
355 product_category_new /productCategory/new Path does not match
356 product_category_show /productCategory/{id}/show Path does not match
357 product_category_edit /productCategory/{id}/edit Path does not match
358 product_categories_selected_delete /productCategory/delete-selection Path does not match
359 product_index /product/index Path does not match
360 product_new /product/new Path does not match
361 product_show /product/{id}/show Path does not match
362 product_edit /product/{id}/edit Path does not match
363 products_selected_delete /product/delete-selection Path does not match
364 product_stock_report /product/stockReport Path does not match
365 product_stock_report_print /product/stockReport-print Path does not match
366 sale_chart /sale/saleChart Path does not match
367 sale_chart_export /sale/saleChartExport Path does not match
368 sale_chart_print /sale/saleChartPrint Path does not match
369 sale_order_index /saleOrder/index Path does not match
370 sale_order_new /saleOrder/new Path does not match
371 sale_order_edit /saleOrder/{id}/edit Path does not match
372 product_infos /saleOrder/getProduct-infos Path does not match
373 api_tva_val /saleOrder/getTvaVal Path does not match
374 sal_order_line_edit /saleOrder/line/{id}/edit Path does not match
375 sale_order_print /saleOrder/{id}/print Path does not match
376 sale_order_line_api_set_reference /saleOrderLine/api/setReference/{id} Path does not match
377 sale_order_line_api_set_designation /saleOrderLine/api/setDesignation/{id} Path does not match
378 unsold_report /unsold-report Path does not match
379 unsold_report_print /unsold-report/print Path does not match
380 app_login /login Path does not match
381 app_logout /logout Path does not match
382 security_change_password /change-password Path does not match
383 user_index /admin/user/index Path does not match
384 user_new /admin/user/new Path does not match
385 user_edit /admin/user/{id}/edit Path does not match
386 user_delete /admin/user/{id}/delete Path does not match
387 user_disabled_enabled /admin/user/{id}/disabled-enabled Path does not match
388 user_set_to_admin_or_user /admin/user/{id}/set-to-admin_or_user Path does not match
389 users_selected_delete /admin/user/delete-selection Path does not match
390 user_access_list /admin/user/{id}/accessList Path does not match
391 seizure_report /int/seizure-report Path does not match
392 seizure_report_print /int/seizure-report/print Path does not match
393 setting_category_index /setting-category/index Path does not match
394 setting_category_new /setting-category/new Path does not match
395 setting_category_edit /setting-category/{id}/edit Path does not match
396 setting_categories_selected_delete /setting-category/delete-selection Path does not match
397 station_pump_index /station/pump/index Path does not match
398 station_pump_new /station/pump/new Path does not match
399 station_pump_edit /station/pump/{id}/edit Path does not match
400 station_pumps_selected_delete /station/pump/delete-selection Path does not match
401 station_pump_get_pump /station/pump/api/get-pump Path does not match
402 station_pump_statement_index /station/pumpStatement/index Path does not match
403 station_pump_statement_new /station/pumpStatement/new Path does not match
404 station_pump_statements_selected_delete /station/pumpStatement/delete-selection Path does not match
405 station_tank_index /station/tank/index Path does not match
406 station_tank_new /station/tank/new Path does not match
407 station_tank_edit /station/tank/{id}/edit Path does not match
408 station_tanks_selected_delete /station/tank/delete-selection Path does not match
409 stock_transfert_index /stock/transfert/index Path does not match
410 stock_transfert_new /stock/transfert/new Path does not match
411 stock_transfert_edit /stock/transfert/{id}/edit Path does not match
412 stock_transferts_selected_delete /stock/transfert/delete-selection Path does not match
413 stock_transfert_validate /stock/transfert/{id}/validate Path does not match
414 stock_transfert_cancel /stock/transfert/{id}/cancel Path does not match
415 stock_transfert_print /stock/transfert/{id}/print Path does not match
416 stock_transfert_lines_selected_delete /stock/transfert-line/delete-selection Path does not match
417 stock_movments /stock/movments Path does not match
418 stock_movments_print /stock/movments/print Path does not match
419 stocks_in_index /stocksIn/index Path does not match
420 stocks_in_new /stocksIn/new Path does not match
421 stocks_ins_selected_delete /stocksIn/delete-selection Path does not match
422 stocks_inventory_index /stocks/inventory/index Path does not match
423 stocks_inventory_new /stocks/inventory/new Path does not match
424 stocks_inventory_edit /stocks/inventory/{id}/edit Path does not match
425 stocks_inventories_selected_delete /stocks/inventory/delete-selection Path does not match
426 stocks_inventory_validate /stocks/inventory/{id}/validate Path does not match
427 stocks_inventory_print /stocks/inventory/{id}/print Path does not match
428 api_stocks_inventory_line_edit /stocks/inventoryLine/api/edit/{id} Path does not match
429 stocks_out_index /stocksOut/index Path does not match
430 stocks_out_new /stocksOut/new Path does not match
431 stocks_outs_selected_delete /stocksOut/delete-selection Path does not match
432 stocks_warehouse_index /stocks/warehouse/index Path does not match
433 stocks_warehouse_new /stocks/warehouse/new Path does not match
434 stocks_warehouse_edit /stocks/warehouse/{id}/edit Path does not match
435 stocks_warehouses_selected_delete /stocks/warehouse/delete-selection Path does not match
436 stocks_warehouse_location_edit /stocks/warehouseLocation/{id}/edit Path does not match
437 stocks_warehouse_locations_selected_delete /stocks/warehouseLocation/delete-selection Path does not match
438 cash_controles_selected_delete /cashControle/delete-selection Path does not match
439 cash_in_index /cashIn/index Path does not match
440 cash_in_new /cashIn/new Path does not match
441 cash_ins_selected_delete /cashIn/delete-selection Path does not match
442 cash_movement_print /cashMovement/{id}/print Path does not match
443 cash_movements_selected_delete /cashMovement/delete-selection Path does not match
444 cash_movement_state /cashMovement/state Path does not match
445 cash_movement_state_print /cashMovement/state-print Path does not match
446 cash_register_show /cashRegister/{id}/show Path does not match
447 cash_registers_selected_delete /cashRegister/delete-selection Path does not match
448 cash_register_controle /cashRegister/{id}/controle Path does not match
449 cash_register_close /cashRegister/{id}/close Path does not match
450 cash_register_open /cashRegister/{id}/open Path does not match
451 cash_register_print /cashRegister/{id}/print Path does not match
452 cash_register_transfert_delete /cashRegister/delete-transfert Path does not match
453 cash_transfert_delete /cashTransfert/delete-one Path does not match
454 checkout_category_index /checkoutCategory/index Path does not match
455 checkout_category_new /checkoutCategory/new Path does not match
456 checkout_category_edit /checkoutCategory/{id}/edit Path does not match
457 checkout_categorys_selected_delete /checkoutCategory/delete-selection Path does not match
458 checkout_index /checkout/index Path does not match
459 checkout_new /checkout/new Path does not match
460 checkout_show /checkout/{id}/show Path does not match
461 checkout_edit /checkout/{id}/edit Path does not match
462 checkout_state /checkout/{id}/state Path does not match
463 checkout_print /checkout/{id}/print Path does not match
464 checkouts_selected_delete /checkout/delete-selection Path does not match
465 checkout_delete /checkout/delete-one Path does not match
466 checkout_children_delete /checkout/delete-children Path does not match
467 api_checkout_info /checkout/api/get-info Path does not match
468 checkout_report /checkout/report Path does not match
469 checkout_report_print /checkout/report-print Path does not match
470 checkout_open /checkout/{id}/open Path does not match
471 checkout_close /checkout/{id}/close Path does not match
472 treasury_cash_flow_chart /treasury/cashFlowChart Path does not match
473 treasury_cash_flow_chart_export /treasury/cashFlowChartExport Path does not match
474 treasury_cash_flow_chart_print /treasury/cashFlowChartPrint Path does not match
475 xls_importation_index /xls/importation/ Path does not match
476 xls_importation_new /xls/importation/new Path does not match
477 xls_importation_show /xls/importation/{id} Path does not match
478 xls_importation_edit /xls/importation/{id}/edit Path does not match
479 xls_importation_delete /xls/importation/{id} Path does not match
480 fc_load_events /fc-load-events Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.